
largely, no more poetry's monthly newspaper no no no is based on submissions.
submissions can be deposited by authors globally for consideration at any time and can take the form of texts, essays, poems, drawings, images, collages or prints — essentially anything which can be articulated in print, can be submitted.
please keep in mind that no no no is printed in black and white ink only, and consider this during your submission (especially for those providing image based responses).
for those submitting texts; please provide both .pdf and .docx files.
for those submitting visual works; please provide either 300 dpi .tiff or .jpg, the colour space should be greyscale. if you would like your work to be considered for an issue's feature poster it should be 500 × 710 mm + a 3 mm bleed on each side.
all submissions should be accompanied by a brief biography and cv for consideration.